Monday, August 19, 2013

Economic Myths: the Science of Deceit

Economic Myths: the Science of Deceit - Part 21

Bruce G. McCarthy - Datum Line Air Date: 8-18-2013 - Economic Myths: the Science of Deceit Part 21.
Datum Line will focus, not so much on the: who, what, when and where of Americas demise - but on the why and how (cause and effect). From these elements we can determine a course (national and personal) that leads away from certain future destruction. Central to our focus will be economics - a subject affecting everyone, but understood by virtually no one. This is not an accident.

Pilots will recognize Datum Line as the reference point from which aircraft weight and balance computations are calculated. They know that if the resultant center of gravity is outside the allowable envelope, safe flight will be impossible. The unstable aircraft will be uncontrollable, resulting in destruction. Likewise, without restoring our nations lawful point of reference - its datum line - then national suicide is unavoidable.

Datum Line will focus, not so much on the: who, what, when and where of Americas demise - but on the why and how (cause and effect). From these elements we can determine a course (national and personal) that leads away from certain future destruction. Central to our focus will be economics - a subject affecting everyone, but understood by virtually no one. This is not an accident.

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